יום שבת, 1 במאי 2010

vitamin for memory

A large part of the 50 suffer from amnesia. How to cope? There are methods Kogantabioat personal practice, you can take vitamins, you can develop the thinking and especially preferably a permanent lifestyle staff to facilitate memory
Who among us does not look into the future and afraid of forgetting a memory disorder late in life? Most of us heard, we saw we got to know Alzheimer's commands and makes the names of many elderly in their memories to the point where some do not recognize their loved ones or retreat during periods of their youth. Dr. Therese Treves, Director, Memory Disorders Unit Rabin Medical Center explains the memory problems, crisp superstitious equips us tips.
"Familiar common memory disorder usually begins around 50 years of our lives. Disorders are expressed intentionally rooted in the small things of our daily routine such as where we put the car keys or what we wanted to take the fridge? Sometimes happens to get confused and put back the milk in the drawer of the refrigerator instead of bread."
"Although these disorders increasing when we are tired, stressed or are in tension but should not be a source of concern as long as the current Latpkodynu do not mind (contrary to Alzheimer's disease or other memory).
Another says that Dr. Treves' treatable age-related problems only forgetting their own cognitive system. For example, who endowed with an excellent visual memory can improve your memory by tying concepts words and pictures and mirrors and endowed with memory, audio, wants to say anything to memorize loudly. That is, through personal memory of each of us can manage our memory disorders overcome oblivion.
Vitamins & Supplements. "Starting problems before forgetfulness is recommended to consume supplements that help upgrading cell activity," explains Dr. Treves. Vitamin E is attributed to the ability to improve cell activity and hence its effect on nerve cells of the memory. Vitamin are olives, olive oil, avocados and nuts. Because it is advisable to take small amounts of food supplements as well as lecithin in the eggs (Contrary to popular belief I can name a lot of eggs suffer amnesia), chocolate and soy dietary supplements Aposipttidyl - serine. It is important to vitamin B1 and B12 vitamins from the HB allow proper functioning of the memory cells.
Ahshiabtiym stimuli. The researchers say we know for sure that one did not suffer any memory problems, but those exposed to intellectual stimulation over the years as educational games, studies (eg acquisition of academic education), solving puzzles and bridge, tend to have fewer memory problems (a Japanese study of KONDO and his friends, 1994).
The explanation for this lies in the fact that a person is born with a fixed number of neurons associated with memory (some of which recently proved but can be renewed a limited amount). Cells degenerate with age and by stimulation Ahshiabtiym to improve the absorption capacity of these cells. Stimuli allow the construction of large infrastructure memory disorder that causes rejection of later ages. This explains why developing memory disorders later ages in limited quantities educated people.
Memory Disorders accelerators. Excessive drug taking, depression, mental stress, Alkohalizm and high blood pressure cause small strokes placing accelerating the delivery of age-related memory problems. To ease the memory of Dr. Treves recommends lifestyle to maintain a regular and permanent. In this way memory training and many become automate. Then who said that to live like "statistics" is bad?